Monday, 26 March 2012

Dancing Crows - Video art - Tobias Gundorff Boesen

Tobias Gundorff Boesen, 'Birdcage - videostill', 2011

 Tobias Gundorff Boesen is an artist, animator and director, from Copenhagen, Denmark.
In 2011 Tobias entered a competition which assignment was to make a one-minutemovie around the theme - the notion of "place" - wether that might be interpreted as a geographical, an emotional space or a place of belonging.
Tobias Gundorff Boesen created 'Birdcage'.

Tobias Gundorff Boesen, 'Animatic for the screendance film Birdcage', 2011

Above you'll be able to see his amazing 'animatic' or 'moving storyboard'. A sublime preparation for an undertaking with lots of choreography. It must have been great to have been working with Tobias in such a professional way.

Shown below is the final result of Tobias G. Boesen's 'Birdcage' that has turned out absolutely stunning. 
The movements of the dancers aswell as the timing of the shots are perfectly synchronised with the music ( by Efterklang ).
The location is amazing, the thin white trees remind of the bars of a birdcage.
And the colours; white of the surrounding, black of the amazing costumes ( by Sandra Møller Svendsen ) and red of the raw meat, are very tasteful composed in every shot.
'Birdcage' is Beautiful in every detail.

Tobias Gundorff Boesen, 'Birdcage', 2011 (01:00 min)

Dancers/choreography: Tilde Nielsen, Hilde I Sandvold, Julie Rasmussen
Director & postproduktion: Tobias Gundorff Boesen
Producer: Senia Dremstrup
DOP: Andreas Berg
Costumes: Sandra Møller Svendsen
Makeup: Marie Westergaard
Sounddesign: Thomas Arent
Music: "I Was Playing Drums" by Efterklang
Assistants: Rolf Glumsøe & Anne

Vitalising Cinna Monday - Inspriring art

Oren Eliav, ' listener', 2011 (160 x 215 cm)

Oren Eliav, 'Untitled', 2010 (150 x 100 cm)

Miljan Vukicevic, 'prl', 2012
* Everyday a new work posted *

Brooke Shaden, 'immortal bird', 2010
"Was it a vision, or a waking dream?
Fled is that music:—do I wake or sleep?"

Brooke Shaden, 'hierarchy', 2009

Kathryn Macnaughton, 'Collaboration with photographer Chelsea Millunchick'

Kathryn Macnaughton, 'Riders in the Night'

Monday, 19 March 2012

Joyful Cinna Monday - Inspiring art

Lauren Randolph, 'One; Sister Shmister', 2009

 Oswald Cromheecke & Boris Bonne (BOOS), 
'Teaser for upcoming videoclip 'Pastures' from Oscar & the wolf ', 2012 (30 sec)

Michael Kutsche, 'Cheshire Cat Concept Art', 2009

Michael Kutsche, 'Knave of Hearts Concept Art', 2009

Michael Kutsche, 'Dodo Bird Concept Art', 2009

Caracter design of Micheal Kutsche for Tim Burton's  'Alice in Wonderland' 2010
TIP: These websites are really special and definitely worth it to take a look at !

Michael Kutsche

Natalya Lobanova, 'happy2bsad', 2011

Natalya Lobanova, 'happy2bsad', 2011

Natalya Lobanova, 'happy2bsad', 2011

Martin Nicolausson, 'Monika', 2010
* I won an artprint of 'Monika' from Arte Limited via a competition @ Emma Fexeus's designblog ! *
* It looks sublime! *

Thursday, 15 March 2012

Natural Pictures - Photography - Adam Fuss

AdamFuss, 'Love', 1993, Chibachrome Photogram (124,5x98,4cm)

Adam Fuss, is a artist living and working in New York City. But as a child Adam grew up on the countryside of London, England. During that period Adam Fuss got intrigued by nature and it's physical functioning. Adam then started photographing it, without using a camera...

AdamFuss, 1993, Digital Pigment Print (182,9x111,8cm)

Instead of a camera Adam Fuss often uses photosensitive paper as a medium, going back to the origin of photography itself; 'photograms'. Photograms are created by projecting a source of light on photosensitive paper while having placed an object in between them. The places where the paper was exposed to the light it will have turned black, but the shape of the object is now printed on it in white, a negative.
This naturally results in a single, unique print that can't be serial produced, like every product of nature is also unique. Adam Fuss creates pure photography.

Intervieuw with Adam Fuss by Artists & Alchemists, 2011

Above you can watch a recent interview with Adam Fuss
and see him working in his studio in New York.

AdamFuss, Series Home and the World; 'Medusa', 2010,
Gelatin Silver Print Photogram (240x144,1cm)

Adam Fuss's work 'Medusa' shows us the interesting aspect of combining fabrics with the technique of Adam Fuss. Because the woven structure will only let a certain degree of light trough on to the paper. Causing the vieuwer to see greytones instead of one shape in white, also shades and depht.

Adam Fuss, 'Series My Ghost', 1999, Gelatine Silver Print Photogram (38x75cm)

It is possible to use this technique yourself using photosensitive paper.
But because the print will be totally exposed to light, it will fade after a while. It needs to be treated with certain chemicals to make the image you created 'everlasting'.
Adam Fuss has mastered this technique and is often refered to as a 'modern alchemist'.
Trough his work he is creating a consiousness about the beauty and importance of nature.
If only there was a more environmentally friendly way to recycle those chemicals...

Love art,
Love nature,
Recycle Creatively.

Monday, 12 March 2012

Magnificent Cinna Monday! - Inspiring art

Clemens Behr, 'Simple is Rare (detail)', 2011
Clemens Behr, 'Simple is Rare', 2011

Tom Edwards, 'Editorial piece, Management Today'

Neil Craver, 'Underwater project', 2011

Slinkachu, 'Little People Project', 2006 - today

Slinkachu, 'Little People Project'

Slinkachu, 'Little People Project'

Monday, 5 March 2012

Apologizing Cinna Monday - Inspiring art

Penny Nickels, 'Clearly You Havent Earned Them Yet', 2010, embroidery on silk with pheasant wing (14″ hoop)

Jennifer Davis, acrylic charcoal and graphite on paper

Mozart Guerra, 'Bélier 2', 2009, polystyrene and Ropework (55 x 60 x 45cm)

Alexandra Sophie, 'Julie', 2010

Antony Micallef, charcoal on paper, 2009
Antony Micallef, charcoal on paper, 2009
* New site, now online !